Cross border scientific research

Contact between researchers from the countries along Via Egnatia has been scarce. The VEF promotes international cooperation by various means:

1. Conferences

During an international conference held in Bitola in February 2009 scientists of different disciplines gathered to discuss the history and the future possibilities of Via Egnatia. Present were archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, economists and musicologists. Various concrete initiatives were born here. In 2011 the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Eastern Studies (Macedonia University of Thessaloniki) in collaboration with Via Egnatia Foundation organized a second international conference in Thessaloniki.
The VEF plans to hold similar conferences on a bi-annual basis.

2. Working Groups

Cross-border working groups have been installed. In these groups international scientists are working together on gathering material and writing on their subject, connected with Via Egnatia. Part of these writings will be used for the planned Via Egnatia cultural travel-book. Some of the working-groups can still place new participants.
There are working groups on the following themes:

  • Archaeology

    The Archaeology Group is collecting material for a common database on Via Egnatia. One of the goals of this work is to get Via Egnatia on the UNESCO list of world Cultural Heritage, Contact-person: Igor Aleksovski PhD.

  • Migration

    The Migration Group is investigating migration along VE, contact-person: prof.dr. Hans Vermeulen. They are also collecting life-histories along VE, contact person: prof. dr. Riki van Boeschoten.

  • Cultural history

    The Cultural History Group gathers material on the daily life along Via Egnatia, such as food, handicraft, child-rearing, religion, travel-stories. contact person: Marian Heesen.

  • Music

    The Music Group works very practically on organizing concerts along VE. There is a cross border Via Egnatia band in statu nascendi. This band can still place musicians from the countries along Via Egnatia, including Bulgaria. Contact person: Holger de Bruin. More information on the performances of this band will be published on this website.
    Contact-person for classical music and future concerts along VE: Mirsa Adami.


If you want to get in touch with any of these groups, please ask with our contact form


Restoration of monuments:
VEF stimulates cross-border restoration and cleaning of monuments along Via Egnatia. One of the planned pilot projects is a cleaning action of the Bradashesh Roman Bathhouse near Elbasan, possibly followed by more archaeological research on the place combined with teaching. If realized you can participate in this action. Contact-person: dr. Ivan Vasilev, Balkan Heritage Fieldschool: